Wednesday, 7 October 2009


From Bolshevik newspaper “Vperod” No4 + No5 (120 +121) 2004
By Alexey Vikhrov from Minsk, Belorussia

This question worrys people and true supporters of the people’s socialist system in China, and its enemies more and more. Still: in fact China has a population of one billion three hundred million people. It is more than a quarter of all the population of the Earth!
If that is not enough, China is becoming a superpower, with an advanced, modern industry, with powerful rocket-nuclear potential. On total amount of industrial development, China will just about equal the United States of America. China is now the third space power in the world, with its own forces having launched a manned spaceship into space! The world actually depends on China’s destiny...
So what has been happening in China over the past few years?
For those who go to China, listen to programs on Chinese radio in Russian (or English), the news from there is becoming ever more disturbing.
The word "comrade" has practically gone out of use with the Chinese. Now, addressing each other (not counting members of the CPC- the Communist Party of China), they call themselves "mister".
Who now is the hero of the Chinese newspapers, radio and TV broadcasts?
Is it the worker of any factory who has fulfilled a production target ahead of schedule, a Chinese Stakhanovite (shock worker, as it was during the epoch of Chairman Mao Zedun?
Is it a tractor driver of a national commune who ploughed a field on time and prepared it for spring sowing?
Is it a designer who has created a new highly-efficient machine tool? Or perhaps a composer having written a fine song, which takes a man for his soul and helps him to live and work?
No. The worker, the tractor operator, the designer, the composer are not heroes of the Chinese newspapers, radio and TV programs anymore. So, who is the hero of the Chinese newspapers, radio and TV programs? Entrepreneurs, businessmen, i.e. people who know how “to make money”, have become the true "heroes" of present-day reporting and all the stories of the Chinese newspapers, radio and TV programs.
Here some examples of these literary "Masterpieces". A woman, a peasant, bought ten hens in a village and sold them in the city, without doubt, at a higher price. She repeated this operation many times. As a result she had accumulated a rather impressive sum of money (about a thousand yuans). The quantity of hens purchased and resold by her grew. The size of capital, naturally, also grew. Soon, she took out a loan of a few tens of thousands of yuans from the state, hired people (farm labourers: in fact wage labour in China is once again being allowed) who built her an integrated poultry farm. Hundreds of people now work on this integrated poultry farm. The financial state of the woman is now estimated in millions of yuans. And she does not live anymore in the simple country house. Now, the whole village looks at her new, modern, multi-storey private residence with an involuntary sigh.
The second example. A man bought up some cigarettes in a city, which were in high demand in the province, and sold them there. Also without doubt, by selling them at a higher price, he collected a decent sum, then took out a loan from the state to build (again by hiring labourers) a tobacco factory. His financial status too, now stands at millions of yuans.
A third example. One young man after graduating an institute was supposed to go to a village to work there as a teacher. However, he remained in the city, and engaged in trade. He sold tea, cigarettes, sweets, a chewing gum, cassettes etc. He did this for three years. He ended up opening his own tour firm- travel agency. Now for him, for example, on public holidays getting to the Canary Islands is all the same, like to an ordinary Chinese person from Peking going to visit relatives in the neigbouring province.
The fourth example. A clock factory, which in its due time produced a fine product, which was even exported and which was constantly fulfilling its production targets, suddenly "started knocking” - began working with faults. The factory was turned into a shareholders' enterprise. Most of the shares went to the director who actually became the owner of the factory. The factory after that, did not make a "big leap" forward in development. Over half the workers were laid off. On the economised means, output true enough, goes already only on export proceeds.
The most interesting in this case (and cases similar!) is that neither party bodies, nor law-enforcement bodies have taken any interest at all from where the director got the money from to buy the whole factory? What is amazing of all in such stories, is the use of the word "earned", when large sums of the money obtained by these "enterprising" people are spoken about. It is amazing because this word is used in the mass media of a country calling itself - socialist. In their understanding, the words to “obtain” and to "earn" are synonyms. It turns out that it is not just those who work at machine tools, on tractors, at Kuhlman drafting units, that is receive money for concrete work done, physical, intellectual, that earn money, but also those who buy something and resell it at a higher price, that is those who, simply speaking, are engaged in speculating and gambling.
Speculating, in their opinion, is also classed as "earnings". And those who are engaged in this "earning", are described as men of the hour whom ordinary Chinese are told to use and follow as an example. Similar examples very much remind us of what occured and is occuring on the territory of the ex-USSR. All these Chernomidins and Chubaises plundered our country and the billions which they acquired on this larceny, are also not not classed as state criminals. They are quite highly esteemed people and shown on TV. Instead of these thiefs being in prison, they sit in presidiums and "teach” the masses how to live..... The quantity of personal cars, built at their own manufacturing plants and the number of "foreign cars" has sharply increased in streets of Chinese cities. Advertising billboards of restaurants have begun to blind ones eyes literally. "Many" Chinese as Chinese radio informs, with pleasure visit them in the evenings. Youth walking on streets are dressed in modern jeans many of which have a label on them with the inscription: "Made in the USA”.
The Chinese "have grown fond of traveling". They have begun visiting other countries. What countries? The United States of America, Japan, Indonesia, Germany, France...
One can imagine, who these Chinese are who have grown fond of traveling, if one is to remember the cost of trips abroad to holiday resorts. Thousands of dollars!...
The number of marriages to foreigners (certainly, Americans first of all) has considerably increased. Many Chinese with satisfaction remain abroad to live...
XVI congress of the Communist party of China took place in November, 2002 in Peking. The Congress summed up the development of the country for the previous five years, generalized the experience of the work over the previous 13 years.
"The national economy continued to travel on the way of fast and healthy development" (from report of Dzen Dzemin). "Plentiful fruits were brought with reform and an openness. The system of socialist market economy has been created in the initial form. The public property sector has seriously become stronger, with confident strides in the reform of state enterprises. Individual, private and others sectors of the non-public sphere have developed rather quickly. The creation of the market system has been comprehensively developed. The life of the people as a whole has reached an average level of prosperity" (Dzen Dzemin).
What are the reforms taking place in China? To understand their essence, we shall glance at the figures from the report of Dzsen Dzemin. We shall leave to one side the party fanfare soundings of the report on the achieved successes, oath-like assurances of loyalty to the doctrine of Marx's - Engels - Lenin - Stalin and Ìàî Zedon.
Many present day party and state leaders know how to speak beautifully. Crowds of people adore them, the eyes and mouthes wide open. They listen and, apparently, get intoxicated by them. Only what then follows after these beautiful words? It is good, if it is a matter of simply sobering up. However, in fact what can happen is the falling into deep intoxication, a transformation of a person into a mad animal... So now, we shall glance at the figures in the report of Dzsen Dzemin. We shall take from them one of the most important. Here it is: out of the total number of enterprises in China, the state owns already less than half of them. In hands of the state are found only an absolutely small number of companies (approximately one thousand).
What does private mean? In this case, everything is clear.
What does joint-stock mean? Joint-stock companies are companies belonging to owners of shares on them (shareholders). Who is the real owner of the joint-stock enterprise? The one who owns the greatest number of shares. And who owns most of the shares? Naturally, whoever had the most money when buying them. And who usually has more money when buying them? Whoever most certainly had stolen the most money from the state as they say, did not go under.
They may ask - why stolen? Well, did he stand at the machine tool all day cutting metal? And did he “machine” metal so much, so as to be able to buy up the whole enterprise?! A whole factory?! A whole manufacturing plant?!
Therefore, the joint-stock enterprise is in its pure form - a capitalist enterprise.
And the state enterprises are not those same enterprises, which function under a socialist system. These are the enterprises at which capitalist laws operate. These are state capitalist enterprises.
From the tribune of the congress, the head of the party calling itself Communist, called for "improving the legal system of protection of private ownership "!
In China, businessmen, small, middle and large have appeared. Millions of businessmen...
Who are such businessmen?
In simple language - they are the bourgeoisie! That is - they are capitalists. Yes, as sad as it is and as awful as it is, in a country calling itself socialist, a class came about, having sunk in its time in Lethes, a class of capitalists, a class of "new Chinese".
It is interesting to know, what is new about them? That they in a thief-like way, authorized "from above", implanted by the present "people’s" power, implanted by a party at the head of the state loudly calling itself Communist, turned into private property, factories and manufacturing plants where tens and hundred of millions of ordinary Chinese people only yesterday working for themselves, for their own brotherly, workers'-and-peasants' state, but are now compelled to fill the pockets of these "criminals" so that they could built palaces for themselves "in a green zone", in the surburbs of Peking and Shanghai, and fly to the Canary Islands when they had nothing to do and have a good time there with the lovely pop stars.
Is this "new", what they have given to the Chinese people?!
But it was like this in China before. Yes, indeed they had this until 1949! These "servants of the people" drank a lot of blood from the Chinese people until the people lost patience, and had kicked them out... What need was there in returning to China these "patrons of the people”? To build in China as declared from the tribune of the congress, “an average prosperous, socialist society"?!
But if China is building a socialist society, then what about these capitalists? Since when have capitalists stood in the ranks of builders of socialism? The leadership of the Chinese communist party states that China is still at the first stage of building socialism.
The construction of socialism in such a huge country, with almost a billion and a half people, like China, is indoubtedly a long process. But does this mean that for the construction of socialism, even "with Chinese characteristics", it is necessary to turn back the wheel of history, to restore capitalism in China? If it is not capitalism, then what is it? Will the bourgeoisie really build socialism?! It is not clearly then, why overthrow it if it sponges off the people for the sake of the peoples’ prosperity, for the sake of the construction of socialism?! Why then did V.I.Lenin, J.V.Stalin, Ìàî Zedon struggl against the bourgeois agency in the communist movement, against the Mensheviks, Trotskyites, Bukharinites, Khrushchevites etc., if they can lead the peoples of the countries along the path of the construction of socialism? To speak about a Chinese NEP in this case is not necessary. It is not necessary for two reasons. Firstly, China already passed through the period of NEP in the 1950-s. Then for the revival of the economy destroyed during the long war years, many private enterprises were preserved. Besides, if their owners’ attitude was in favour of people's power, they were appointed as directors of these enterprises, and these became state-owned enterprises.
One should not forget either, that all these private, "NEP-style" enterprises in the Chinese People's Republic (like in its time in the Soviet Union) functioned in conditions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, in the conditions of the full control of the working class. Well, and secondly, to speak about a Chinese NEP in this case is not necessary also because towards the beginning of the present "reforms", China was no longer "backward and hammered" as supporters of these "reforms" try to present it as.
During the epoch of Chairman Mao Zedon, China turned into a powerful, advanced socialist power. The grain problem in China was practically solved. The Chinese people had forgotten about famine. People were full, dressed, and shoed. They did not have excesses, they did not drive about in "Mercedes", and did not build for themselves in the surburbs of cities of wonder-castles and palaces; they lived modestly, but they had prosperity. China came in as the top ten the most advanced countries of the world for industrial output of for example, steel, pig-iron, rolled steel, oil, machine tools, tractors, radios and TV equipment,. Already in Ìàî Zedon’s life, that is during the dictatorship of the proletariat, in China modern nuclear and space industry was created, tests of nuclear and hydrogen bombs, including an intercontinental ballistic missile were successfully carried out, and the first ever artificial satellite was launched into space.
Was this all sufficient for the further development of China’s economy, for the further construction of socialism in China?
Yes, it was enough. During the epoch of Chairman Mao Zedon, in China a powerful, fundamental socialist, industrial base from which quite successfully it was possible to push further "towards a developed and prosperous society" was created!
Why did this not take place in China? Why does socialism have to retreat there? If it was simply only a case of retreating - capitulating! The period of construction of socialism is not just the period of economic, industrial and agricultural construction; it also a period of incessant class struggle between the proletariat, which has established its power, and the bourgeoisie overthrown by the proletariat. Besides, it is not just the overthrown, but also again arising, and constantly looking for a slightest of openings for its own revival. The working class having weakened its control only for a minute, the bourgeoisie straight away are here, long-awaited.
Yes, in struggle sometimes it is necessary and to retreat. V.I.Lenin, introducing NEP, was compelled to retreat, but to retreat only for a short time, to gather forces. Besides retreating, he did not abolish in our country the dictatorship of the proletariat and did not abolish the control of the working class over all events in the country. Let us suppose that in China there was a temporary retreat from socialism. But why then when retreating, especially a temporary retreat, to go on to full capitulation before the enemy (the bourgeoisie is an enemy of the working class, the main, worst enemy!)?
The abolishing of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Chinese People's Republic is true capitulation of the Communist Party of China before the class enemy. Where is this capitulation leading? Towards the liquidation of socialist construction in China. With the start of the present "reforms" in the Chinese People's Republic according to "the theory of Dzen Xiopen" there had been established a "democratic dictatorship of the people".
What does the "dictatorship of the people" mean? In Marxist-Leninist science this is something new. To be honest, it is not new for those who have not forgotten that something new is something quite often old and well forgotten. It is not new for those who are familiar at least with the simple elements of Marxist-Leninist science.
The state exists only in class society. The state is a body of the domination of one class over other classes. In a slaveholding society, this is the body of rule of the class of slaveowners, in feudal society - a body of rule of a class of feudal lords, in capitalist society - the body of rule of a class of capitalists, in socialist society - a body of rule of the working class. Why does the working class take power into its own hands and forms a state? Its body of power, its state, working class forms in order to liquidate exploiter classes and primarily the bourgeoisie to fulfil its main historical mission, to construct a classless, communist society.
We shall not fully cite K.Marx's known citation about the transition period between capitalist and communist society, that "the state of this period cannot be anything other, except as a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat ".
We shall not fully cite also V.I.Lenin's citation about "that class which has taken political power into its own hands, has taken it, understanding, that it has taken it itself... and does not deceive neither itself, nor others with conversations about "all-peoples, common sufferage, by all the people of the consecrated authority".
These words are known to us from school. We shall remind only, that the dictatorship of the proletariat exists during the long transitional period from capitalism to communism. This transition period is socialism - the first phase of communist society. The dictatorship of the proletariat "is not abolished" by any "instructions", "decisions", "decrees" "from above". It gradually dies off by measure of the approach of communism, to a classless society and then completely dies off only with construction of communism, with the disappearance of all classes in society, with the disappearance of the working class itself. In China, a "democratic dictatorship of the people" has now been established. What is this? What is this for an unclear, strange, new type of state?
We have to repeat that the new is often a well forgotten old. Yes and the new in this case is very very small. When in formulas on the state, words like the “people” start sounding out, we are immediately reminded of the Khrushchevite “all-peoples state ”. We have to repeat that the new is often a well forgotten old. Yes and the new in this case is very very small. When in formulas on the state, words like the “people” start sounding out, we are immediately reminded of Khrushchevite “all-peoples state”. So there is practically nothing new in this case. There really cannot be anything new in it. In our time, the state (we mean a normal, modern day state, instead of a state: certainly, of any prehistoric tribes from the jungle) can be only bourgeois, capitalist, or proletarian, socialist. The state, we shall remind, is a body of the dictatorship of a certain class in any country. The Chinese peoples’ republic was declared during the present "reforms" by the state of "a democratic dictatorship of the people".
What is a dictatorship? A dictatorship is a power.
Does this mean that in China, power belongs to the people?
It may, but in what state? In a state in which communism has been built, in which classes have disappeared but which is in a hostile environment, surrounded by enemies. And this state carries out its unique function, remaining with it from history: it provides for the defence of the country against a possible enemy attack.
Has communism been constructed in China? Have classes disappeared there?
No, it has not been constructed. And classes have not disappeared. So, on what basis has the power of the "people" been established there, and on what basis has the dictatorship of the proletariat been is abolished?
The elimination of the dictatorship of the proletariat means the liquidation of the dominant position in the country of the working class, that is the actual removal from power of the class most interested in the construction of a communist society, being the carrier of the communist idea.
According to the Chinese press, the working class does no longer represent the majority in the state Soviet of the Chinese People's Republic. So to it cannot dictate there its will any more! Who in China needed to remove the working class from power? The answer to this question is not difficult to give if one recollects about what class in a class society is more than anyone else interested in the removal of the working class from power . This class is the bourgeoisie.
Is there a bourgeoisie in China? Yes, and legally, officially. Besides, its interests are asserted there at the highest level, from the highest party and governmental tribunes.
So, what is this for a state of a "democratic dictatorship of the people?"
We repeat, this is an all too familiar Khruschevite "all-peoples state ". What led to the creation of this type of state in the Soviet Union? To the liquidation of the socialist system in the USSR, to the liquidation of the USSR itself. What led to the creation of a similar state in China? To the restoration of capitalism in Chinese People's Republic. It should be noted, that the Chinese Khruschevites operate more artfully, "with Chinese ", so to say, "characteristics". In the Soviet Union, the Khruschevite traitors to start with, slung mud at J.V.Stalin, and said: "Now don't you see, this is what a dictatorship of the proletariat leads to? To innocent victims!"
Then, they never spoke about who these "innocent victims" really were. That these "victims" organized an underground Trotskyite-Bukharinite party preparing a military coup d'etat, intending to carry out in our country "Gorbastroika" even before the Great Patriotic War, and was going to hand over our country to German fascism, and on its bayonets to come to power, - they then stayed silent. It is they now, who are not afraid any more, to tell in thier "memoirs" about how they struggled all those years against "the totalitarian regime" how they caused harm to Soviet power, wherever they could and however they could. By their way thinking, it turns out that J.V.Stalin ought to have patted them on the back for that...
And so, having slung mud at J.V.Stalin, "having shown" to what a dictatorship of the proletariat "leads to", they after XXII congress of the CPSU liquidated it, having replaced it with "an all-peoples state" (or, as in China it is called a "democratic dictatorship of the people ").
What followed , is well known to all of us. The rejection of the dictatorship of the proletariat meant the liquidation of the control of the working class over the life of society, and the liquidation first of all of the control over the distribution of material benefits. When they were distributed a layer of people which began to use special privileges appeared. The gaining by this layer of people of special privileges led towards it growing into a special class of people - into a Soviet party-bureaucratic neo-bourgeoisie, which began in our country "Gorbastroika" and which ended with a counter-revolutionary coup, and the recking of the USSR.
Why did the counter-revolutionary coup in the Soviet Union end with its breakup? Because it was not simply the bourgoeisie which came to power in our country, and not the national bourgeoisie either, but the comprador, pro-American, counterrevolutionary, whose underground activity was financed by the United States of America.
This bourgeoisie tied to American imperialism, as they say, by their hands and feet, destroying in our country the socialist system was compelled to destroy our country. For American dollars in Swiss banks, these "fighters for human rights" began betraying our allies of the Warsaw Pact, and then our Motherland the Soviet Union, having broken it up into "separate principalities".
So they obtained their the dollars on their conscience!
US imperialism thanks to their "men of perestroika", without a single shot achieved what was not possible to achieve under Hitler. US troops are already stationed inside the former socialist countries of Europe, in the Baltic state and republics of Moldova and Georgia. They have already arrived in Central Asia... For the first time after victory over hitlerite Germany, the enemy has stepped onto Soviet soil...
And what is happening in China? The Chinese bourgeoisie have learned the mistakes of their Soviet "brothers by class". And really, why should they give China to America? Can it not manage its own affairs at home?
It did not begin to sling mud at Ìàî Zedon. It did not even take his body from the Mausoleum. The present heads of the Chinese Commuist Party swear loyalty to Marxism-Leninism and to the ideas Ìàî Zedon. They only "lightly scolded" him for separate, small "mistakes" and "excesses". But he, as was the official, so to speak, main leader of the Chinese people, still remains that to the present day.
Yes, the Chinese Khruschevites operate more carefully. What was the result of "discrediting the personality cult of Stalin"? It split the Soviet people, and led to the recking of the Soviet Union!"
But why would they need to wreck China? Why would they want to give it someone over the ocean when they find it useful for themselves?! And so, they did not begin to sling mud at Ìàî Zedon. They simply transformed him by putting it into the words of V.I.Lenin "into a harmless icon ", emasculated from his ideas - the most important. And the most important idea was the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Mao Zedon taught that the dictatorship of the proletariat has to remain in existance right up to the building of communism (not socialism, but note, namely communism!)
This idea he especially persistently propagated, in known letters of the Central Committee of the CPC (there were more than ten), directed and addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU at the beginning of the 1960-s during the Sino-Soviet ideological dispute.
In these letters , written practically by Ìàî Zedon himself, such questions, as J.V.Stalin's role in the history of the USSR and the international communist movement, peaceful and non-peaceful ways of struggle for power, questions on war and peace were mentioned, for example. The main question of these letters is the question on the dictatorship of the proletariat : till what period should it exist in a socialist state, before the construction of socialism or before the construction of communism? The answer to this question Ìàî Zedon gave unequivocaly, in Bolshevik style: before the construction of communism!
In these letters a worthy rebuff was given to the revisionists trying to impose anti-Bolshevik counterrevolutionary policy onto the entire international communist movement.
The leadership of the CC CPC led by Chairman Mao Zedon opposed resolutely against the decisions of the XX and XXII congresses of the CPSU for not having anything in common either with Marxism, nor with Leninism, and against the slander of the Great Leader of the Soviet people J.V.Stalin, in defence of his sacred name, his ideas and achievements in the defence of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Soviet Union.
These letters were broadcast by Chinese radio in Russian. In our press only one of them, fortunately, one of the most important ones - a program one was published in the newspaper "Pravda" on August, 20, 1963. But even this one letter was enough to deal a mortal blow to Khrushchevite revisionism. In 1964, as is known, N.S. Khrushchev was removed from all posts occupied by him. These letters are samples of the classical theoretical works directed at the defence of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, the defence of the main idea of Marxism-Leninism - the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat for the whole period of socialism, up to the construction of communism.
It is a great pity that the present Chinese leadership has forgotten about all this, although swears fidelity to the ideas of Ìàî Zedon. The "new Chinese" operate more circumspectly than "new Russians". Ìàî Zedon both was in the Mausoleum, and remains in it. Like his portraits in party and official bodies hung on walls, they hang there now.
"Do you love Ìàî Zedon? Pray to him? Please, love him! Pray to him! In fact we too love him. See, his portraits hang, like they were when he was alive. And he is in the Mausoleum... Yes... He will never get up and leave the Mausoleum no matter how it would be so desirable that he got up and left..."
There is a terrible tragedy occurring now in China, and many people are already starting to understand this there, when they look at the bursting from fat physiognomy of the "new Chinese", with proud faces sitting somewhere at a table in a restaurant, or in a smart car...
Yes... the "New Chinese" have taken revenge for 1949, as well as the "new Russians " for 1917. But history cannot be turned back. Capitalism is EVIL, a misfortune for MAN.
But evil and misfortune cannot be eternal otherwise life will lose any real sense. Indeed, life did not appear for evil! Neither for the misfortune of mankind!
And still: capitalism is terrible that in the development it reaches the maximum point before it dies, - imperialism. And imperialism, as is known, - is a source of wars. This can be the most dangerous to neighbours of China. They are already starting to reflect on this... Alexey Vihrov, Minsk (From “Vperyod” No 4 + 5, 2004)


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